Thursday, April 1, 2010

My 'Bright Kids' Day Care Centre ^^

Ello....Welcome back to Angelina's daily blog^^

Today I would like to intro you guys a tuition & day care centre 'Bright Kids' which is my part time job. =) I'm a teacher + handling front counter in 'Bright Kids' Day Care Centre. Everyone just called me, Teacher Chia. haha...heard like I was a sweetie and kidness people. wakakaka....but actually...YES! ^^

There is a quite interesting place for you to communicate with the children and it was a learning place for you to learn about how to use a proper way to teach your children. They are having 27 outlets franchise centre in certain places. Therefore, they have their own syllabus, own materials, own system... blablabla... So, cut it short~ ^^.. I would like to share about my teaching day ;)

Early in the morning, 6.45am..
I had a class which is Mathematics for std 3.
One of the question is 11>10>8, 11 bigger than 8 or smaller than 8?
Answer :
8 is smaller than 10.
11 is bigger than 10.
Therefore, 11 bigger than 8.

* Wow! yahooo...It's related to Argument based on Mathematics which is valid.

Telling a stories with some of the kids during the break time. ^^

After few hours, A teacher come over and use Ad populum appeal to pity to ask for my help...

Teacher : Yen, are u free today?
Me : Yea, anything?
Teacher : Teacher Ho (our boss) asked me to decorate the Puchong Wawasan
new outlets board and all the class at 3pm later. I really need your
help and your art-minded to decorate the notice board. Besides that, I
totally don't know about the art and I've no idea on these. Please... I
hope that you can spend your time with me and come with me later
Me : hmmm...Kla, since I have no class later. I will try my best to help you
k? no
Teacher : Thanks alot. (She called Teacher Ho and informed her about I'll follow
her later.)

While, this conversation make me recall back our Critical Thinking lesson.
"Ad Populum appeal to Pity." Made me feel that she really need some help from me and she don't have the idea for the decoration at all. So, I just helped her to complete the decoration @ Puchong, Wawasan outlet.

These are what we did and those materials. ^^

See...These are the decoration for our notice board. Nice? But we haven stick all the document yet. Since it's a new outlet.

Heheee.... ^^ nice? laalala...

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