Friday, April 2, 2010

Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong’s Story of building Genting Highlands

Today is Friday, 2/4. I feel very happy and very excited when our lecturer Madam Aznur announced that we were going to do our assignment 2. Even though it is hard for me and actually I'm quite lazy to write a blog. ^^ heheee... But, maybe it's a good start for me to used to write a daily blog now.

Well... Let's recall back what Madam Aznur told us about the Lim Goh Tong stories. It made me feel proud of him and started feeling curious on how he did it...Therefore, I steal the book from my elder sis house (She had it) ^^ heeeheee.....

(Anecdote: Let me tell you a story...History of Lim Goh Tong )

This book is an autobiography of Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, which gives us a rare glimpse into the mid of the man who built Genting Highlands into a world-class resort. At the tender age of 16years old, his father passed away and he was forced to take over his father's petty trading business. There were all sorts of problems with the business, on some days he failed to make even a single sale. In 1937, the year the Japanese launched their war of aggression on China, he at 20 years old. His bravely set off for Malaya with a small suitcase and 175 dollars (100 from his mother and 75 from his own savings.)

In Malaya, he eventually went into iron mining; became a middleman for heavy machinery trading; and took on government contracts for development projects. You have correctly guessed that he had already made himself a fortune by then . However, in 1964 when he was a sub-contractor for part of the Cameron Highlands, an evening stroll hit him upon the idea of developing a mountaintop resort in Malaysiia to cater to city dwellers seeking an excaoe from the tropical heat.

After 40 years, today his publicly-traded Genting holds the only license to operate a casino in Malaysia; his Star Cruises touts itself as the operator of the world's "most modern and exciting world-class fleet."

From what we have learned from here are :

Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong is a characteristic of Creative people (Independent) He is the first person to build the Genting Highland at the mountaintop. Besides that, he only used 3years to finish the project and decoration. Therefore, it's shown that he has a very creative minded to come out some ideas such as these.

Besides that, he is a good critical thinker has the cognitive skills and intellectual dispositions needed to effectively identify, analyze, evaluate arguments and truth claims.

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