Monday, April 5, 2010

Singing Performance

Do you know about what's music?

For me,
music can make me feel comfortable and enjoyable when I'm listening...
Sometimes the lyrics can make u more understand about ur heart...
Music can make people.. happy...sad... ^^

That's y I would like to sing song to the audiences and make people feel comfortable..
luv luv~

Let me tell you a story about my first time sang at Station One~ (Anecdote)

Below are the pics shown that how I solve the problems:
Last few months ago, I hv received a called from Station 1. On that day, they invite me as their singer by 5.30pm. But the performance time at 9pm. Oh no....It was a very difficult job for me to arrange my time.. no lyrics, no instruments, don't who is my partner yet, and they location at Damansara.

On that moment, I'm try to use the 'Problem-Solving Model' to solve my problems.. Cause I only have 3hours to settle everything.

I'm using Mind-map, define the problem, analyze the problem, identify the possible solutions and decide on the most appropriate alternative :
1. I quickly online searched it and printed out all the lyric from my laptop.
2. Get the partner's contact no. from the manager and called her.
3. Get ready for the instrument and google map the location.
4. Last, get ready myself and chill myself ^^

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