Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Wonderful Day!

A Wonderful Day? y....y....y.... haha, because of today is my birthday celebration day with my sweetest family!! (erjie no attended it bcoz of busying in work.) But nvm it's ok.. cause she is going to treat us SHOGUN japanese buffet on this coming saturday!! (Her's birthday is on 3th April) yahoooo...

In Chia's family law, we have to use our own money to treat our family a meal during our 'BIG DAY'
RM 130. Luckily is not so expensive!! wuaakakaka.... Last time bro paid : Jan RM 200++
2nd sis RM 400++

LOL....but i'm still studying ler..this money is earned from my part time job de ^^

Ehh...I saw this at the counter there!
It is so creative and cute! Love it much~

but my sis was using 'Ad hominem Tu Quoque' today~ 3rd sis : Ops.. Yen why u fat alr? haha.. your stomach alr became a tayar now...hahaha... But at the same time... I look at her body~ I just keep laughing at there!! ^^ you guys can look from the picture ya... wuakakaak...

After we had our dinner, we went to my elder sis house!

My second wishes and 2nd time to blow the candles. (Grab this pic from sis.. she is using "The Unknown Biography")

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