Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A surprise from my Baby...

Happy birthday to me...
Happy birthday to me...
Happy birthday Happy Birthday...
Happy birthday to MEEEEE~

Make a wish Make a wish...heheee...
*Secret* cannot tell...^^ =P

Love Love.. First of all, I would like to thank to my
dearest mum and daddy. They bring me to this wonderful world and made me realized many things. I love them so much and of course having the same feeling to my handsome bro and 3 pretty sis.

I think I would like to use 'The Sequential Relationship" to share my surprise from my baby.. At first I thought my baby cannot celebrate my birthday and we gonna delay our celebration because of his final exam. So... Early in the morning, he said he went to IKEA for helped his father to send something to his father's client. After that, he did his revision at his friend's house. After few hours~ He asked me to accompany him to study @home. So, I just promised him and I just think about he can accompany me till 12am even though he can't celebrate with me ^^ The clock ti ta ti ta...is going to reach 12am!!!

He sudd switch off the light and sang a birthday song to me.. I..I...I...I'm so surprised!

Love you so much baby...
Thanks for your present :
Pulau Perhentian Trip!
Let's have fun and enjoy our trip after our final ya~ ^^

After few minutes, I'm using Ad Populum appeal to force to force him to take some funny pictures. hahaha... I said, If you do not do the funny poses, then I don't want to go Pulau Perhentian with you. ^^
So, he had no choice at all...wakakaka~

Below are the pictures that we taken :

Thank you Baby... Love ya ^^

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