Sunday, April 4, 2010

3rd birthday celebration ^^ Chilis & Clash Of the Titans


Today was a super big birthday bash! We were celebrating 7 peoples birthday :
1. Hooi Ying

2. Me

3. Alex Tan
4. JJ

5. Rebecca

6. Shobita
7. Raymond Chong

All the birthday gals and boys... ^^ Happy birthday to u guys and ME!!

Before that, I really can't wait for the night! Miss them so much~ They are my Cyber best friends!! 13 of us (Girls only) another 6 male are Ji muisss's bf. Yooooooo... ^^

I got lots of the deductive reasoning from our conversation and the waiter :

1. Recently my day care centre alr have second wave of H1N1. around 5++ alr admitted
hospital. Maybe will close for one day. ( Chain Argument )

Ai wen : If the day care centre H1N1 is very serious then will close for one day. If the day care centre close for one day then they have to inform the parents earlier. If the day care centre H1N1 is very serious then they need to inform the parents earlier.

Raymond : Alex Tan always 'put aeroplane' to us. I think he got 90% will absent on this celebration. (This is invalid - Statistical Argument) After few hours, he attended it
but just awhile only. At least, he came over here and joined with us for few minutes.

The waitress wanna take the order from us. So, she just said,
Waitress : Welcome to Chilis. Our restaurant have lots of delicious food. You guys can get a try
on it!
All of us : Huh? Can you give us some example or any recommended?
Waitree : For example the chop steak, ..........

After our celebration, we went to watch a movie called 'Clash Of The Titans' @ Cathay, Cine Leisure Mall^^ After the show, they went back to chat about the ending and re-change it... such a interesting and funny friends
(They use the Creativity to build through writing) Re- writing the ending become a funny story. ><....

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