Monday, April 5, 2010

Singing Performance

Do you know about what's music?

For me,
music can make me feel comfortable and enjoyable when I'm listening...
Sometimes the lyrics can make u more understand about ur heart...
Music can make people.. happy...sad... ^^

That's y I would like to sing song to the audiences and make people feel comfortable..
luv luv~

Let me tell you a story about my first time sang at Station One~ (Anecdote)

Below are the pics shown that how I solve the problems:
Last few months ago, I hv received a called from Station 1. On that day, they invite me as their singer by 5.30pm. But the performance time at 9pm. Oh no....It was a very difficult job for me to arrange my time.. no lyrics, no instruments, don't who is my partner yet, and they location at Damansara.

On that moment, I'm try to use the 'Problem-Solving Model' to solve my problems.. Cause I only have 3hours to settle everything.

I'm using Mind-map, define the problem, analyze the problem, identify the possible solutions and decide on the most appropriate alternative :
1. I quickly online searched it and printed out all the lyric from my laptop.
2. Get the partner's contact no. from the manager and called her.
3. Get ready for the instrument and google map the location.
4. Last, get ready myself and chill myself ^^

Sunday, April 4, 2010

3rd birthday celebration ^^ Chilis & Clash Of the Titans


Today was a super big birthday bash! We were celebrating 7 peoples birthday :
1. Hooi Ying

2. Me

3. Alex Tan
4. JJ

5. Rebecca

6. Shobita
7. Raymond Chong

All the birthday gals and boys... ^^ Happy birthday to u guys and ME!!

Before that, I really can't wait for the night! Miss them so much~ They are my Cyber best friends!! 13 of us (Girls only) another 6 male are Ji muisss's bf. Yooooooo... ^^

I got lots of the deductive reasoning from our conversation and the waiter :

1. Recently my day care centre alr have second wave of H1N1. around 5++ alr admitted
hospital. Maybe will close for one day. ( Chain Argument )

Ai wen : If the day care centre H1N1 is very serious then will close for one day. If the day care centre close for one day then they have to inform the parents earlier. If the day care centre H1N1 is very serious then they need to inform the parents earlier.

Raymond : Alex Tan always 'put aeroplane' to us. I think he got 90% will absent on this celebration. (This is invalid - Statistical Argument) After few hours, he attended it
but just awhile only. At least, he came over here and joined with us for few minutes.

The waitress wanna take the order from us. So, she just said,
Waitress : Welcome to Chilis. Our restaurant have lots of delicious food. You guys can get a try
on it!
All of us : Huh? Can you give us some example or any recommended?
Waitree : For example the chop steak, ..........

After our celebration, we went to watch a movie called 'Clash Of The Titans' @ Cathay, Cine Leisure Mall^^ After the show, they went back to chat about the ending and re-change it... such a interesting and funny friends
(They use the Creativity to build through writing) Re- writing the ending become a funny story. ><....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

2nd Sis Birthday @ SHOGUN

Happy birthday to you~ Selamat Hari Jadi~
Happy birthday to you~ Selamat Hari Jadi~
Happy birthday Happy Birthday~ Selamat Hari Jadi~~~~~~
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu^^ Selamat Hari Jadi~ ^^

Sis, may all ur dreams come true and have a GREAT day ya!
Well... We are so excited today!! Cause of SHOGUN JAPANESE BUFFET!! sounds great right? ^^

There have many foods there. For example, salmon, unagi, terpayaki, vege, dessert, steamboat, sushi, sashimi, and so on. (Must try it k! ;) )

The business hour:
Lunch 12.30pm - 3.30pm
Dinner 6.30pm - 10.30pm (10pm last order)

My father,sis, elder sis, second, 3rd sis all showing the 'Hasty Generalization'.
Because of they said that,

Jogoya's food is not so delicious compared with Shogun.
So, Shogun is the best Japanese Buffet in Malaysia.

While, they haven try Tenji before and maybe other japanese buffet restaurants will be better than Shogun. Besides that, different people having different taste. Therefore, we cannot conclude that Shogun is the BEST Japanese Buffet Retaurant in M'sia.

Other than that, Let me show you some relationship between sentences :
Therefore - The causal relationship
For example - The Ilustrative relationship

Thank you SIS!!

My Dearest Parents

My elder sis & My handsome bro

Friday, April 2, 2010

Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong’s Story of building Genting Highlands

Today is Friday, 2/4. I feel very happy and very excited when our lecturer Madam Aznur announced that we were going to do our assignment 2. Even though it is hard for me and actually I'm quite lazy to write a blog. ^^ heheee... But, maybe it's a good start for me to used to write a daily blog now.

Well... Let's recall back what Madam Aznur told us about the Lim Goh Tong stories. It made me feel proud of him and started feeling curious on how he did it...Therefore, I steal the book from my elder sis house (She had it) ^^ heeeheee.....

(Anecdote: Let me tell you a story...History of Lim Goh Tong )

This book is an autobiography of Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, which gives us a rare glimpse into the mid of the man who built Genting Highlands into a world-class resort. At the tender age of 16years old, his father passed away and he was forced to take over his father's petty trading business. There were all sorts of problems with the business, on some days he failed to make even a single sale. In 1937, the year the Japanese launched their war of aggression on China, he at 20 years old. His bravely set off for Malaya with a small suitcase and 175 dollars (100 from his mother and 75 from his own savings.)

In Malaya, he eventually went into iron mining; became a middleman for heavy machinery trading; and took on government contracts for development projects. You have correctly guessed that he had already made himself a fortune by then . However, in 1964 when he was a sub-contractor for part of the Cameron Highlands, an evening stroll hit him upon the idea of developing a mountaintop resort in Malaysiia to cater to city dwellers seeking an excaoe from the tropical heat.

After 40 years, today his publicly-traded Genting holds the only license to operate a casino in Malaysia; his Star Cruises touts itself as the operator of the world's "most modern and exciting world-class fleet."

From what we have learned from here are :

Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong is a characteristic of Creative people (Independent) He is the first person to build the Genting Highland at the mountaintop. Besides that, he only used 3years to finish the project and decoration. Therefore, it's shown that he has a very creative minded to come out some ideas such as these.

Besides that, he is a good critical thinker has the cognitive skills and intellectual dispositions needed to effectively identify, analyze, evaluate arguments and truth claims.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My 'Bright Kids' Day Care Centre ^^

Ello....Welcome back to Angelina's daily blog^^

Today I would like to intro you guys a tuition & day care centre 'Bright Kids' which is my part time job. =) I'm a teacher + handling front counter in 'Bright Kids' Day Care Centre. Everyone just called me, Teacher Chia. haha...heard like I was a sweetie and kidness people. wakakaka....but actually...YES! ^^

There is a quite interesting place for you to communicate with the children and it was a learning place for you to learn about how to use a proper way to teach your children. They are having 27 outlets franchise centre in certain places. Therefore, they have their own syllabus, own materials, own system... blablabla... So, cut it short~ ^^.. I would like to share about my teaching day ;)

Early in the morning, 6.45am..
I had a class which is Mathematics for std 3.
One of the question is 11>10>8, 11 bigger than 8 or smaller than 8?
Answer :
8 is smaller than 10.
11 is bigger than 10.
Therefore, 11 bigger than 8.

* Wow! yahooo...It's related to Argument based on Mathematics which is valid.

Telling a stories with some of the kids during the break time. ^^

After few hours, A teacher come over and use Ad populum appeal to pity to ask for my help...

Teacher : Yen, are u free today?
Me : Yea, anything?
Teacher : Teacher Ho (our boss) asked me to decorate the Puchong Wawasan
new outlets board and all the class at 3pm later. I really need your
help and your art-minded to decorate the notice board. Besides that, I
totally don't know about the art and I've no idea on these. Please... I
hope that you can spend your time with me and come with me later
Me : hmmm...Kla, since I have no class later. I will try my best to help you
k? no
Teacher : Thanks alot. (She called Teacher Ho and informed her about I'll follow
her later.)

While, this conversation make me recall back our Critical Thinking lesson.
"Ad Populum appeal to Pity." Made me feel that she really need some help from me and she don't have the idea for the decoration at all. So, I just helped her to complete the decoration @ Puchong, Wawasan outlet.

These are what we did and those materials. ^^

See...These are the decoration for our notice board. Nice? But we haven stick all the document yet. Since it's a new outlet.

Heheee.... ^^ nice? laalala...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Wonderful Day!

A Wonderful Day? y....y....y.... haha, because of today is my birthday celebration day with my sweetest family!! (erjie no attended it bcoz of busying in work.) But nvm it's ok.. cause she is going to treat us SHOGUN japanese buffet on this coming saturday!! (Her's birthday is on 3th April) yahoooo...

In Chia's family law, we have to use our own money to treat our family a meal during our 'BIG DAY'
RM 130. Luckily is not so expensive!! wuaakakaka.... Last time bro paid : Jan RM 200++
2nd sis RM 400++

LOL....but i'm still studying ler..this money is earned from my part time job de ^^

Ehh...I saw this at the counter there!
It is so creative and cute! Love it much~

but my sis was using 'Ad hominem Tu Quoque' today~ 3rd sis : Ops.. Yen why u fat alr? haha.. your stomach alr became a tayar now...hahaha... But at the same time... I look at her body~ I just keep laughing at there!! ^^ you guys can look from the picture ya... wuakakaak...

After we had our dinner, we went to my elder sis house!

My second wishes and 2nd time to blow the candles. (Grab this pic from sis.. she is using "The Unknown Biography")

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A surprise from my Baby...

Happy birthday to me...
Happy birthday to me...
Happy birthday Happy Birthday...
Happy birthday to MEEEEE~

Make a wish Make a wish...heheee...
*Secret* cannot tell...^^ =P

Love Love.. First of all, I would like to thank to my
dearest mum and daddy. They bring me to this wonderful world and made me realized many things. I love them so much and of course having the same feeling to my handsome bro and 3 pretty sis.

I think I would like to use 'The Sequential Relationship" to share my surprise from my baby.. At first I thought my baby cannot celebrate my birthday and we gonna delay our celebration because of his final exam. So... Early in the morning, he said he went to IKEA for helped his father to send something to his father's client. After that, he did his revision at his friend's house. After few hours~ He asked me to accompany him to study @home. So, I just promised him and I just think about he can accompany me till 12am even though he can't celebrate with me ^^ The clock ti ta ti going to reach 12am!!!

He sudd switch off the light and sang a birthday song to me.. I..I...I...I'm so surprised!

Love you so much baby...
Thanks for your present :
Pulau Perhentian Trip!
Let's have fun and enjoy our trip after our final ya~ ^^

After few minutes, I'm using Ad Populum appeal to force to force him to take some funny pictures. hahaha... I said, If you do not do the funny poses, then I don't want to go Pulau Perhentian with you. ^^
So, he had no choice at all...wakakaka~

Below are the pictures that we taken :

Thank you Baby... Love ya ^^